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Technology for Business' Sake

Access, Excel & More™ understands that computer technology is simply a tool to maximize the profitability of your business.  

Technology should allow you to do things better.  Unfortunately, that is seldom the way that things actually work.  Technology is frequently implemented in ways that impede, rather than enhance, day-to-day business operations.

Problem Solvers

Because Access, Excel & More™ understands how businesses work, we craft solutions that solve problems and improve your profitability.  

Solving the "problem" frequently requires us to discover what that problem actually is.  Many times the real problem is not the "problem" which we have been asked to solve.  Our commitment to uncovering the underlying problem is what makes us different from the run-of-the-mill technology provider.

Sometimes the "correct" solution to your problem is to clean up existing systems and better use what you already have rather than creating yet another system.  There are occasions on which the right answer for you, doesn't result in business for us.  

Computer technology is just another tool for solving business problems.  It is not the only tool, nor is it even the best tool in all situations.  Where it is the best tool, we know how to wield it effectively.  Where the technology doesn't fit, we will tell you.

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