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For Business' Sake
Not Bleeding Edge
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Avoiding the Bleeding Edge

A lot of people get into the computer business because they are fascinated with the technology.  This leads them to talk clients into projects that are technically interesting, but not necessarily in the client's best interest.

The closer to the "bleeding edge" the technology is, the more some people will like it.  There is, however, considerable risk for your company when adopting these technologies, they aren't called "bleeding edge" for nothing.

We chose the name Access, Excel & More™ for our company to reassure you that we aren't interested in taking your company into uncharted technical territory.  Our goal is to develop uncomplicated, low-risk solutions using mature, well-understood technologies.

That doesn't mean that we create solutions using obsolete technology, that's risky too.  Instead, we work with the latest versions of mature products that you know and already have in your business to create solutions that meet your specific needs.

We work to ensure that you will have a stable, usable solution for your business needs that will meet your needs for a long time. 

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